In Random Chat (worldwide) you can find and chat with a random partner around the world, you can find the distance between you and your partner.
You can also login to rooms where many people are chatting.
We have more than 700,000 subscribers around the world, all enjoys RC app
You can use the Post Messages icon on the callers screen and choose which group you want to post your message to
The first option for all will be to post your message to all participants, but only for men will be published for those who specify his gender as a male in the chat and ideals for girls only where the message is posted to those who specified his gender as a female in the chat
You can share images , record audio & videos in private chat & room chat
From any menu in the main interface you can click on the word subscriptions
The following subscriptions will be displayed that will set you apart
• Pin me at the top
• Hide me
• Cancel ads
• View your friend's country
• Notify me when online
• Search all lists
You will find the details of each subscription through the application
Top stars It is a special management where the golden star means the general manager and deputy and the Admin
Either silver star means supervisor or room owner
The lower stars are 3 types depending on the type of reaction
A red star may be full, which means that the person is highly reactive and may get free credit
A semi-full star means that the person is moderate
An empty star means that a person is inactive
More than 5 Years active
Happy Subscribers
RC Apps for different categories
Tools apps also available
Chat for free and share all types of media.
Add your favorite chatters list.
Chat with groups with many room types.
No login required to access the chat.
App is easy to use with no needs for directions.
Post your message to all subscribers.
Random Chat
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Random Chat
Chat around the world
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Free full access room chat
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Random Chat
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Free full access room chat
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